Kategoria Ogłoszenia: Design

Graphic Design, UX Designer, UI Designer, Digital Design, Motion Design

UX Designer

If you design logical and functional Lo-Fi mockups that respond to the needs of users and improve their experience and you can coordinate the work of the team, so that your mock-ups become a functional graphic design – we are looking for you! WORK PLACE: business office in Poznań, remote work possible.

Product Designer

Are you a Product Designer who loves to make people feel, think and act? Opportunities. That is the keyword of working as a Product Designer at SPLIT. Under our roof, we’ll make sure you get to work with brands that make your heart tick and your brain overload with creativity. Based on your individual goals, …

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Junior/ Regular Graphic Designer

Cześć! Jesteśmy Monday Group i szukamy do zespołu graficznego Junior/ Regular Graphic Designer(a/ki) Ponieważ mamy „ręce i biurka” pełne projektów, potrzebujemy kogoś, kto wesprze nas i naszych klientów kreatywną głową, graficznymi zdolnościami, intuicją oraz poczuciem estetyki i elastyczności w tworzonych kreacjach.

UX/UI designer

Looking for UX/UI designer to join our digital squad.

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