My name is Lidiia, I am 25 years old and I write. I write everything that is written. I started with poetry, I run my own Instagram channel with poems. Also, during my conscious life, we will conditionally count – since adulthood, I have been writing articles – I worked in a popular science magazine, where I wrote articles of sorts – Why octopuses are not from our planet. I also wrote texts for social networks, websites, landings. Last year, as part of the Ukrainian writing program Litosvita, I worked on a collection of short stories, On Her Behavior. These were monologues on behalf of inanimate objects.
My name is Lidiia, I am 25 years old and I write. I write everything that is written. I started with poetry, I run my own Instagram channel with poems. Also, during my conscious life, we will conditionally count – since adulthood, I have been writing articles – I worked in a popular science magazine, where I wrote articles of sorts – Why octopuses are not from our planet. I also wrote texts for social networks, websites, landings. Last year, as part of the Ukrainian writing program Litosvita, I worked on a collection of short stories, On Her Behavior. These were monologues on behalf of inanimate objects.