Digital Art Director
Role & Responsibilities
• Your mainresponsibilities willbeto bringeditorial ideasandexecutionto the table.
• Take work from concept to final execution within deadlines.
• Pixelperfectnessisimportant,soyou’llsafeguardqualityatalltimes.
• You’llpartnerwithasocialcopywritingteamanddesignersthat-together withstrategists-willconceptualizeandexecutecontent ideasthatfitourclientsglobalcontentcalendar
• You understand the importanceof how good designcanbringstorytellingto lifethrough motion.
• WorkingalongsidetheCreativeDirectorandtheteam, you’llmakesureourdesignsandprocessesareinlinewiththeclient’sobjectivesandexpectations.
• 4+ years of high-level experience as designer or art director crafting digital ads and assets.
• Asshowcasedinyourportfolio,yourPhotoshopskillsaresuperslick.Youhaveexperiencewithallstagesofthedesignprocess,fromconceptualizingstylestofinalizinglayoutsandrollingout designs across markets and formats.
• Anawesomeonlineportfolioofdigitalwork–experiencewithmotiongraphicsandprintisaplus.
• Great experience in social media
• Creating balancedandbeautiful layoutsis secondnatureto you.
• You also know a thing or two about templating and process optimizations.
• With an understanding of fundamentals such as typography, interaction design, flow and storytelling, you can get teams to imp rove the work on both an aesthetic and functional level.
• Strong comprehension of typography, color theory, and layout principles.
• Hands-on experience with logo design, typography, color, web layout design, print production, image selection, and package desig n.
• ProficientuseofInDesign,Photoshop,Illustrator,orothervisualdesignandwire-framingtools.
• Demonstrableabilitytofollowbrandguidelinestoproduceworkthatisoriginal,consistentinstyleandquality,andonbrand.
• Illustrationanddrawingchops aredesirable,butnot required.
• 4+ years of high-level experience as designer or art director crafting digital ads and assets.
• Asshowcasedinyourportfolio,yourPhotoshopskillsaresuperslick.Youhaveexperiencewithallstagesofthedesignprocess,fromconceptualizingstylestofinalizinglayoutsandrollingout designs across markets and formats.
• Anawesomeonlineportfolioofdigitalwork–experiencewithmotiongraphicsandprintisaplus.
• Great experience in social media
• Creating balancedandbeautiful layoutsis secondnatureto you.
• You also know a thing or two about templating and process optimizations.
• With an understanding of fundamentals such as typography, interaction design, flow and storytelling, you can get teams to imp rove the work on both an aesthetic and functional level.
• Strong comprehension of typography, color theory, and layout principles.
• Hands-on experience with logo design, typography, color, web layout design, print production, image selection, and package desig n.
• ProficientuseofInDesign,Photoshop,Illustrator,orothervisualdesignandwire-framingtools.
• Demonstrableabilitytofollowbrandguidelinestoproduceworkthatisoriginal,consistentinstyleandquality,andonbrand.
• Illustrationanddrawingchops aredesirable,butnot required.
Fluent English
What we offer
formal employment
work in a cool office in Warsaw
work for international brands
work in a cool office in Warsaw
work for international brands